Articles adalah kata sandang yang digunakan untuk membatasi kata benda. Dalam posting ini saya ingin berbagi Contoh Soal Articles A/An/The, untuk masing-masing pertanyaan ada opsi di mana Anda harus memilih jawaban yang sesuai. Setelah meneyelesaiakan test Anda bisa menggunakan tombol Check Answers untuk melihat jawaban yang benar.
Mengerjakan 10 Soal Bahasa Inggris Articles A/An/The dan Jawabannnya merupakan salah satu cara menyenangkan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris - Boost your English faster with our Games, Quizzes, Tests and Riddles.

Complete the following sentences!
- I like blue T-shirt over there better than red one.
- Their car does 150 miles hour.
- Where's USB drive I lent you last week?
- Do you still live in Bristol?
- Is your mother working in old office building?
- Carol's father works as electrician.
- The tomatoes are 99 pence kilo.
- What do you usually have for breakfast?
- Ben has terrible headache.
- After this tour you have whole afternoon free to explore the city.
I like the blue T-shirt over there better than the red one.
Their car does 150 miles an hour.
Where's the USB drive I lent you last week?
Do you still live in x Bristol?
Is your mother working in an old office building?
Carol's father works as an electrician.
The tomatoes are 99 pence a kilo.
What do you usually have for x breakfast?
Ben has a terrible headache.
After this tour you have the whole afternoon free to explore the city.
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