Adjective adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menerangkan noun (kata benda) atau pronoun (kata ganti) yang dapat berupa orang (person), tempat (place), binatang (animal), benda (thing).
Dalam posting ini saya ingin berbagi Contoh Soal Adjective, untuk masing-masing pertanyaan ada opsi di mana Anda harus memilih jawaban yang sesuai. Kirimkan jawaban menggunakan tombol Check Answers di akhir latihan. Secara otomatis akan memberi Anda persentase jawaban yang benar.
Mengerjakan 10 Soal Bahasa Inggris Adjective dan Jawabannnya merupakan salah satu cara menyenangkan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris - Boost your English faster with our Games, Quizzes, Tests and Riddles.

Review how much know about adjectives, take this quick quiz. How many can you get right?
- 1) Which one of these has a different meaning from the rest?
- 2) Which adjective best completes this sentence? "Whose ___ new car is that?"
- 3) Which of these adjectives means 'dirty'?
- 4) Which of these is NOT an adjective?
- 5) "It's ___ today than yesterday."
- 6) What's the correct order?
- 7) Which of these is NOT related to taste?
- 8) What's the ajective for people from Thailand?
- 9) "I don't like sushi, I think it's ____."
- 10) Which type of word is needed? "She ___ entered the room".
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