Should or shouldn't adalah salah satu jenis modal yang digunakan untuk memberi nasihat atau berbicara tentang apa yang kita anggap benar atau salah.
Dalam posting ini saya ingin berbagi Contoh Soal Should or shouldn't, untuk masing-masing pertanyaan ada opsi di mana Anda harus memilih jawaban yang sesuai. Lihat kunci jawaban menggunakan tombol Check Answers di akhir latihan.
Mengerjakan 20 Soal Bahasa Inggris Should or shouldn't dan Jawabannya merupakan salah satu cara menyenangkan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris - Boost your English faster with our Games, Quizzes, Tests and Riddles.

Choose the right forms of modal verb should or shouldn't to complete the following sentences in English.
- He should hurry to school.It's 7.55!
- It's 10.30 and you're going to school tomorrow: you should go to bed right now;
- Your room is really messy, you should tidy it immediately.
- This boy is too fat,he eats all the time, he shouldn't eat between meals.
- You always go to school on an empty stomach.You shouldn't leave without having breakfast.
- My friend smokes a lot; he shouldn't smoke at all, it's bad for his health.
- Your mother is always doing the housework alone.You should sometimes help her.
- Chips and hamburgers every day! that's very bad for your shape: you should stop eating them!
- He spends his time watching TV; he should get some exercise.
- He is often rude at school , he should be more polite towards his teachers and schoolmates.
- She can’t sleep. She should drink milk before sleeping.
- Roads are icy. You should be careful.
- You shouldn't stay up late the night before exams.
- You should always tell the truth.
- You shouldn't be rude to old people.
- Students shouldn't make noise in the class.
- It is very hot here. You should open the window.
- He is tired. He should have a rest.
- We should protect the environment.
- We shouldn't cut down the trees.
2 Comments In "20 Soal Bahasa Inggris Should or Shouldn't dan Jawabannya"
Good udh selesai
Diana cinta arbian lope lope0
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