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Senin, 19 Februari 2018

10 Soal Bahasa Inggris Future Perfect dan Jawabannnya

Future Perfect Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan telah terjadi atau akan telah selesai dilakukan di waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang. Secara sederhana, kata kerja ini berbicara tentang suatu tindakan yang akan diselesaikan antara sekarang dan beberapa titik di masa depan.

Dalam posting ini saya ingin berbagi Contoh Soal Future Perfect Tense, untuk masing-masing pertanyaan ada opsi di mana Anda harus memilih jawaban yang sesuai. Kirimkan jawaban menggunakan tombol Check Answers di akhir latihan. Secara otomatis akan memberi Anda persentase jawaban yang benar.

Mengerjakan 10 Soal Bahasa Inggris Future Perfect dan Jawabannnya merupakan salah satu cara menyenangkan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris - Boost your English faster with our Games, Quizzes, Tests and Riddles.

Quiz: Future Perfect Part 1

Future Perfect Tense

1. I ________ by then.
will be leave
will have left
will leaving

2. Will you ________ by 8am?
have arrived
be arrive
have arriving

3. You ________ the bill by the time the item arrives.
'll have received
will receiving
've received

4. Melissa and Mike will be exhausted. They ________ slept for 24 hours.
will not
will not have
will not be

5. He will have ________ all about it by Monday.
be forgetting

6. Will you ________ the contracts by Thursday?
have mailed
to have mailed

7. The boss ________ by the time the orders come in.
will leave
will be left
will have left

8. Where ________ gone?
will she have
is she has
she have

9. September works for us. Lisa will not ________ by then.
have graduated
be graduate

10. I will let you in. I ________ with the keys by the time you come in.
will have arrived
will be arrival
will be arrived

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